Next CMC club meeting is Thursday, July 12 at Bethel Park

Our next CMC club meeting is on Thursday, July 12 at Bethel Park.  (4500 Bethel St)
7:00pm: BBQ, member potluck and social. CMC will cook up some meat. Please bring a side to share. Suggested list based on your last name (but feel free to bring whatever): A-I: Side; J-R:Fruit, veggies or salad; S-Z: Dessert
7:30pm: We will have a tire changing clinic.  You may bring your own tire and kit to practice on.  We’ll then have a brief club meeting, talking about our upcoming races and events.  If you don’t have our awesome CMC shirts, please bring $5 in cash to buy one.  
Please RSVP here so we know how much meat to buy. We hope to see you there and bring your friends!